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About Us
The Cherokee Village United Methodist Church is an incredible gathering of hundreds of people who all smile in the same language, who have similar hopes and dreams and aspirations for their lives as well as fears and anxieties too.

The church parking lot faces the educational wing.

We are a medium sized church with many opportunities for getting involved in small groups. We are a warm and personable family of faith, so caring and so loving and made up of genuine people from all over the United States. Behind every face and every name is a story and a life journey that is so special and so wonderful in its own way.

As you click through the pages of this website, please take time to read about the ministries we offer. Behind every ministry is a vision that stems from a desire to help each person find the Christ that exists within and reach out to touch the Christ that exists in others. It would be impossible to understand what our church is all about simply by reading words. To begin to understand our church a person would need to visit our worship services lead by a husband! wife pastor team. To fully understand our church a person would need to get involved in the life of our church, our ministries, and our mission. Then you could begin to understand in a deeply touching way what a really special place this is.

Peace, Grace, and Health
Pastors Bob and Kay Burton

History of the Cherokee Village United Methodist Church